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Once a child joins Homefields every parent automatically becomes a member of the PTA until their child leaves school.

You can help us; whether it is baking a cake for the cake sale, filling a bag for Bag to School, bringing your empty ink cartridges into school, buying a PTA Christmas card or stikins name labels, or being a member of the committee, we welcome everyone!

You can contact the PTA directly by e-mailing or like and follow our Facebook page at

Over the years, the PTA has raised thousands to purchase items for school that enrich the children's learning and school experience.  The enchanted library, musical instruments for a whole year group (every child will benefit as they move through the school), nursery equipment, a friendship bench for the playground, forest school equipment, the "Pot of Gold" fun day, POP UK musical experience for the whole school, and much, much more.    

Please see the slide show below to see how some of the money has been spent and enjoyed!

How can you get involved

The PTA run several events over the school calendar; Discos, Movie Nights, Christmas Fayre, Summer Fayre, Quiz Nights, Cake Sales, Non Uniform Days, etc.  

The PTA are always on the look out for "Event Volunteers"; people who come and help out at events.  Some people come to them all and help out, some like to man the tuck shop, blow up balloons, decorate the hall, go shopping for events, etc -  others prefer to help set up or clear down after discos, or like to help with "behind the scenes" prep for fayres.  If you only have a little time to spare - it is always appreciated!

Easy fundraising

The PTA have an account set up with Easy Fundraising. This is literally an easy way to fund raise simply by shopping online at over 2,700 top retailers. Register at and follow the steps. Make sure you select Homefields Primary School Chellaston.

There are 2 ways to shop – When online shopping, go to first and then click through to the store you’re looking for OR download the browser toolbar and it will prompt you to activate the donations when you enter the website of a retailer affiliated with easy fundraising. If you have the toolbar downloaded  it easier that way. Retailers include Debenhams, Next, Argos, Apple Store, John Lewis, Sainsburys, M&S, Boots, Currys – you get the idea! Money from your purchase is turned into a donation and given to the PTA! You’re already spending your salary, you might as well earn us some money back!

Empty Ink Cartidges/toner/printer cartridges

PTA are collecting empty printer cartridges with  Please see their website to see the cartridges that are accepted.  Empty cartridges can be handed into reception or sent into school with your child in a sealed clear bag.  


We earn commission on every pack of name labels bought from the Stikins group.  These are small sticker name labels that attached to clothes/drinks bottles/pencil cases/shoes etc.  

Please add the code 36055 when ordering to help your school earn commission.  

We are a very friendly and welcoming group and we are always looking for new members (either on the committee, as a helping hand or as an event volunteer).  If you are able to get involved either by sharing ideas at the next meeting or helping at an event every now and again then please do not hesitate to contact us at:

We look forward to welcoming you and promise to provide; tea, coffee, biscuits and friendship!

Warmest wishes

Homefields PTA