Our Governing Body
Welcome to our Governors' section.
Homefields Primary School governors are volunteers who oversee how our school operates. This group is known as the Governing Body. They are involved in decisions about all aspects of the school - such as maintaining the buildings, controlling the budgets, supporting staff and ensuring high standards of achievement for all the children in our school.
Governors are elected every 4 years. This school has 6 parent Governors who are parents of pupils attending Homefields Primary School, 1 Staff Governor, 1 Co-opted Governors and the Headteacher.
The governors also help to make big decisions about the school's long-term goals, They support the head teacher, but also ask questions and make sure that the head teacher is taking the school in the right direction.
Governance structure
Homefields Primary School is an academy within East Midlands Education Trust, with our own local governing body being accountable to the Trustees. Governors retain a considerable amount of delegated authority to make decisions affecting the day to day running of our school.
Board of Trustees and committee membership
The Board meet six times per academic year and are the accountable body who determines which functions to delegate. The board has established specific committees and named trustees to deal with issues such as finance, audit, risk, education and standards, strategic development, pay, performance and HR.
The Chair of Trustees is Mrs Ann Witheford
Trust Members hold the board of trustees to account for the effective governance of the trust and are tasked with assessing the board’s performance to ensure the purpose of the trust, and its charitable objects are being fulfilled. It is the trust board, not the Members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers
The terms of reference/scheme of delegation and supplemental funding agreement for our school can be found here
Declarations of Interest
Declared business of interests data are here
Please find below details of our governors, including the names, categories, responsibilities, interests and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Thornley. Email: Mark.thornley@ homefields.derby.sch
Homefields Governors Strategic Plan
Mark Thornley
Chair of Governors - Term started 10.07.24
Appointed: 14.06.21
Co-opted Governor/Website/Anti-Bullying
"My two boys had a wonderful experience at Homefields and my daughter is still at the school and like the boys is very much enjoying her time at the school. I became a Governor because I wanted to support the school in recognition for the great start they have given my children. There is a close correlation to the education sector in my role as leader of the training and recruitment teams for a global transport business. I feel that the combination of commercial business experience blended with my training background will help me as a member of the Governor team."
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arise from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Term: 4 Years
Appointed by: Parents
Attendance 2020/21: 3/3
Attendance 2021/22: 4/6
Attendance 2022/23: 4/6
Attendance 2023/24: 5/6
Attendance 2024/25: 2/2
Mia Louise Jenkins
Parent Governor/ Vice chair/ LAC/Learning Mentor
Appointed 10.07.24
I have two children who attend Homefields Primary School who thoroughly enjoy being part of the ‘Homefields Family’. Currently, I am a Deputy Headteacher at an Infant school in Derbyshire and have a particular interest in Maths, Phonics and Safeguarding, though I have led many other areas of the curriculum. I became a parent governor to become more involved in the school my children attend, but to also use my professional experience to support in a governor capacity.
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Appointed: 10.11.21
Term: 4 Years
Appointed by: Parents
Attendance 2021/22: 4/6
Attendance 2022/23: 4/6
Attendance 2023/24: 4/6
Attendance 2024/25: 1/6
Debbie Rollerson
Ex-Officio Governor
“I am an 'ex officio' member of the Governing Board which means I am a member because I hold the post of Headteacher. I have been in the teaching profession for over twenty years working predominantly in Derby. I began working at Homefields in 2002 and in 2023 I was appointed as the Headteacher, which I consider a true privilege. We are blessed with hard-working and dedicated staff and children who have collectively contributed to the success of this school.“
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Attendance 2018/9: 9/9
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 7/8
Attendance 2021/22: 6/6
Attendance 2022/2023: 6/6
Attendance 2023/2024: 6/6
Attendance 2024/25: 2/2
Pavinder Johal
Parent Governor/Pupil Premium
Appointed: 23.04.21
I have a child who attends Homefields and was keen to take on a meaningful role to support the school and help it to continue to thrive. I have worked as a senior policy adviser for the Department for Education (DfE) for over 12 years where I have held a range of roles including supporting vulnerable children, academy governance and school improvement. I hold a good understanding of current education policy and am truly passionate about ensuring every child has the opportunity to flourish.
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Term: 4 Years
Appointed by: Parents
Attendance 2020/21: 3/4
Attendance 2021/22: 2/6
Attendance 2022/23: 4/6
Attendance 2023/24: 4/6
Attendance 2024/25: 1/6
Ellen Wilkinson
Co-opted Governor/Child Protection/Safeguarding/LADO Liaison/Behaviour/Sport Premium Governor
Appointed: 14.07.20
Appointed by: Parents
“I have two children at Homefields. I have been a secondary school teacher and leader for over 20 years, and for the last six years I have been a Deputy Headteacher at a school in Derby City. My passion is inclusion. The well-being and development of the child is always my priority. Leading on personal development, safeguarding, behaviour and attendance has, over the years, developed my skills, knowledge and experience in ensuring all children achieve the best outcomes.
I am embarking on a new role for Derby City Council, working with Primary and Secondary schools in the Quality, Standards & Performance team. I feel that I have a lot to offer Homefields as a parent, and a wealth of experience from an educational perspective. I am really looking forward to being part of the Homefields team”
Term: 4 years
Attendance 2020/21: 7/8
Attendance 2021/22: 3/6
Attendance 2022/23: 5/6
Attendance 2023/24: 4/6
Attendance 2024/25: 1/6
Helen Thomas
Staff Governor
Appointed 19.07.23
Appointed by: Staff
Business interests: Member of Staff
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Attendance 2023-24: 6/6
Attendance 2024/25: 2/2
I have worked at Homefields for 9 years and have supported many children whilst I have been here. I work as SEND TA and have had the privilege of working closely with some amazing children. This year I have worked in a team to develop the 'Hub' in school for a group of children who find accessing the classroom all day difficult and need a space to regulate, reground and work in. I am proud to be part of the Homefields staff and represent them at Governors meetings.
Joanna Loughton
Parent Governor
I am a chartered accountant and specialise in the not for profit sector. I have a number of academies and academy trusts within my portfolio so I understand the financial challenges that all schools are facing at this time. As a parent of 2 children who love attending Homefields I wanted to use my specialist financial knowledge of the education sector to support the school that my own children attend as a governor. I am really passionate about education and want every child to have the opportunity to be the best they can be.
Appointed 04.10.23
Attendance 2023/24: 6/6
Attendance 2024/25: 2/2
Lucy Saunders
Co-opted Governor
Appointed: 15.11.23
I am the parent of an enthusiastic young boy in the early part of his journey at Homefields. My background is in the Aerospace industry in both Project Management and Customer-facing roles over nearly 30 years, as well as involvement in company diversity/inclusion and mental health initiatives. I am keen to see Homefields continue to be an important and integral part of the local community and for the school to maximise STEM opportunities through taking advantage of the rich industrial heritage we have in our region. As a parent, I am also passionate about ensuring advocacy for the parents/carers/guardians to ensure they form part of the important educational journey of the pupils.
Attendance 2023/24: 5/5
Attendance 2024/25: 1/2
Alexander Binns
Co-opted Governor
Appointed: 11.07.24
I am a parent of two children who love attending Homefields, and they have been given a hugely positive start to their education. My background is as a professional musician, and as Director of Music at Derby Cathedral, I sit on the Cathedral's Senior Management Team and am responsible for a busy and ever-growing department. As part of my role, I work with many schools across Derby and Derbyshire through the Cathedral's Music in Schools programme. I am passionate about every child being given the best start in life through the opportunities available to them, and I am looking forward to supporting Homefields continue to flourish, through being a member of the governing body.
Attendance 2024/25: 2/2
Scott Gardner
Co-opted Governor
Appointed 11.07.24
I have a child who attends Homefields School and I live in the Chellaston community. I am keen to play as large a part as possible in my son's education and so I am driven to help to continue to make Homefields a success. I also think that we have a special community in Chellaston and I want to contribute as much as I can. I am a professionally accredited Programme Manager and a Chartered Supply Chain Manager so, even though I don’t have a direct educational management background, I have a strong business management skill set which I know will benefit the board of governors. I am passionate about playing my part to support the incredible teachers and staff and the broader Homefields ‘family’.
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Attendance 2024/2025: 2/2
Katie Brentnall
Parent Governor
Appointed 06.11.24
Attendance 2024/25: 1/1
I have two children that currently attend Homefields Primary School, they both enjoy school and have had a great start to their education so far. I am a teacher, and Early Years lead in Derby City School. I’m passionate about the Early Years and building strong foundations for children to learn and develop holistically. I became a parent governor because I want to be more involved in the school my children attend and give back to the community.
Rachel Civval
TERM ENDED 10.07.24
Chair of Governors - Co-Opted Governor
Assessment/Catch Up Premium/Standards, Teaching & Learning
I have two children at Homefields and am passionate about the vision and ethos that make Homefields so special. Although I now work in the corporate sector, I worked as a teacher at a junior school in Derby for ten years, and over that time, had responsibility and oversight for a number of curriculum areas, including Math, Science and Music. I believe this balance between business management experience and a background in education greatly equips me in my role as a governor.”
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
First Appointed: 16.09.14
Appointed: 25.03.21
Appointed by: Governors
Term: 5 years
Attendance 2018/18: 7/7
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 8/8
Attendance 2021/22: 4/6
Attendance 2022/23 6/6
Attendance 2023/24: 6/6
Andrea Sargent
Governors Administrator
Appointed September 2023
Business interests: Self-employed as a Pilates teacher
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Appointed: 01.04.18 Resigned 23.07.22
Appointed by: Headteacher and Governing Body
Attendance 2018/19: 9/9
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 8/8
Attendance 2021/22: 6/6
Helen Sanders
Appointed by: Parents
Parent Governor/Mental Health
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Appointed: 26.03.2022
Appointed by: Parents
Term: 4 years
Attendance 2018/19: 7/7
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 6/8
Attendance 2021/22: 3/6
Attendance 2022/23: 5/6
Sara Tucker
Term Ended 8.03.23
Appointed: 25.03.21
Elected by: GovernorsCo-Opted Governor
Vice Chair/Training/SEN/Complaints
“I was keen to be more involved in my children's education and was interested in volunteering in my local community. I considered that my professional role in human resources and experience in the education sector could be mutually beneficial and so joined Homefields Governing Body in 2014. I have supported the school with a number of staff recruitment processes and am fully involved in all committees. I'm really enjoying being part of the Homefields team.”
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Term: 4 years
Attendance 2018/19: 7/7
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 8/8
Attendance 2021/22: 4/6
Attendance 2022/2023: 2/3
Paul Sixsmith
Term ended 1/2/23
Appointed: 15.05.20
Elected by: Governors
Co-opted Governor/Health & Safety/Finance
“I had two boys at Homefields who absolutely loved going to school everyday. In the years they were there, they flourished in the wonderful learning environment that the school provides. I joined the governing body as I wanted to be part of this and help support the staff in ensuring success and happiness for all the children. As a governor with a non-educational sector background (I am an Engineer by profession) I feel that I bring an inquisitive and challenging perspective as a parent to the governing committee."
Business interests: None
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff. Previous four year term as parent governor.
Term: 4 years
Attendance 2018/19: 6/7
Attendance 2019/20: 4/5
Attendance 2020/21: 5/8
Attendance 2021/22: 3/6
Attendance 2022/23: 0/2
Kathy Burke
Term Ended 12 07 2021
Business interests: Assistant Head Teacher at Homefields Primary School
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Attendance 2018/19: 3/6
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 7/8
Debbie Rollerson
Term Ended 18.05.21
Appointed by: FGB
Business interests: Assistant Head Teacher at Homefields Primary School
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Attendance 2018/19: 5/6
Attendance 2019/20: 5/5
Attendance 2020/21: 7/8
Amanda Oldham
Term Ended 19.07.23
Staff Governor
Business interests: Member of Staff
Membership of other Boards: None
No material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff.
Term: 1 Years
Appointed by: Staff
Attendance 2022-23: 4/6
Lauren Bolton
Term Ended July 2023
Governor Administrator