Spring 2 - Fun Food Factory
We cannot wait to begin our new topic - Fun Food Factory. Within this DT and Art topic the children will be investigating pizza's, thinking about taste, appearance and how healthy the pizza is. They will then go on to taste test the different elements of pizzas to find out what they like and don't like before designing their very own healthy pizza. As well as designing and making a pizza, the children will be researching pizza packaging, investigating what is displayed on packaging and then creating their own product. To make their product eye-catching they will research Roy Lichtenstein and will recreate elements of pop art onto their pizza boxes too.
Throughout this term, the children will be learning about where their food comes from, making geographical links and exploring packaging. They will also think about the different parts of a plant that we eat from root vegetables, leaves and fruit grown on bushes and trees. The children will consider the importance of balance in their diet and how different food groups support their growing bodies.
We are overjoyed that our daffodil bulbs have grown and over this term we will continue to document their progress.
A very tasty term awaits!
We are delighted to be working with Year 2 & 3 who are taking part in the Derby Book Festival this term. We have received our three books and will be spending time reading and exploring these books whilst completing work. At the end of March, we will vote for our favourite story book and will wait to hear which book was voted ‘most popular’.
We will keep you updated via Class Dojo.