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Useful sites

Useful links for Home Learning – FS2 (reception)

have e-books available for you to read online.

You will need to create a free parent account to

access this Some free phase 2 and 3 phonics games
Alphablocks (BBC iplayer)

a great way for children to practise

blending and segmenting words for phonics and

pronounce the sounds correctly.

Numberblock (BBC iplayer)

a great way to help your child to understand

early number and recognise numbers.

Brilliant yoga videos for you child to develop

their gross motor skills. These can also be found on


- Enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS for

free access to all of their resources.

They have lots of home learning packs you can



Government website with lots of ideas and links

of way to help your child learn

Mindfulness Kaleidoscope

A great way to practise mindfulness whilst

concentrating on the colours and patterns on the screen more videos can be found on YouTube)

Click Early years for a wide selection of games

to help your children practise maths and literacy